Mountains Shannon Allen Ministries - Spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ through Christian Gospel, Contemporary and Rock music!

- Putting Feet to our faith -


About Me
Photo Gallery
Deford Christian Rock Fest. 2012
Event Schedule

Welcome to our Web site!

Hi I'm Shannon Allen. For the past 6 years I have felt the calling to serve my lord and savior Jesus Christ via the music ministry. With my husband running sound and youngest daughter manning our product table, we have been ministering wherever and whenever we are invited mainly thru Gospel and Contemporary Gospel music and testimony.

Our goal is to see the lost saved for Jesus Christ!

In addition we host the Deford Christian Rock Festival. A free event click here to learn more:

Deford Christian Rock Fest. 2012



3/21/2012 We are in a new season. We are taking a respite from singing and using the time to regroup. Get some family stuff done, housework etc that we have put off of the last five years. The Deford Christian Rockfest is in planning is underway for this year. We expect it to be a great event.

6/17/2011 Shannon sang at the Cass City Rotary park. It was great. Lots of people and it was really neat to have a real CD for sale. We also found one of the people who had pre-ordered and go them their CD. (Update - we found them and they were delivered!)

6/1/2011 We just go back from a weekend of singing and running sound at Crystal Creek camp. Had a great time.

05/01/2011 -Our first CD is done! Woo Hoo. We had two pre-orders and have not been able to find the information. If you pre-ordered please contact us.

Upcoming 2/22 & 2/12 - Winter Uplift. Dave is providing and running the sound system. Come hear a great speaker, great music (Rob & Claudia Major) and get an uplift in the middle of winter.

images/WinterUplift2011.jpg or Thumb Christian Outreach Ministries

02/04/2011 - Performed with His Strength Gospel Trio at Glad Tidings PCG Church in Flint, MI. at for the Not Ashamed Missionary trip fundraiser. Had a great time with friends sing for the Lord!

12/31/2010 -  Performed with His Strength Gospel Trio at New Testament Church in Burton, MI. We had a great turned out and hearts were blessed and we received some very nice comments.

12/12/2010 - Performed with His Strength Gospel Trio at Goodland church for the first time. The weather kept the crowd smaller but it was an awesome time. All of our practice paid off. Praise the Lord!

11/14/2010 - Lead Praise and Worship as well as performed a concert at Cass City Missionary church today. It want great. The audio was great (thanks husband) also. It appeared that people were blessed.

11/8/2010 - Out of the blue, I was asked to take the place of the retiring lead singer of the His Strength Music quartet. Wow! It's a great opportunity to sing with some great folks. The music is outside of what I normally sing so it will be quite a learning experience. They told me that I will be able to continue my normal singing activities as well. His Strength Music

10/3/2010 - Autumn Alive was awesome! The audio was great and I felt at peace singing for our Lord.

9/13/2010 - We are Grandparents! Our first grandchild Rosalie Grace was born Friday night. Check out our photo gallery.

9/9/2010 - Autumn Alive is coming up. I will be leading praise and worship and Dave will be engineering the audio for the entire event. Check it out: images\AutumnAlive2010.png or Thumb Christian Outreach Ministries

9/7/2010 - Brown City Gospel Camp was great over Labor Day Weekend. A nice peaceful place to enjoy good music and great friends. We took some extra days to relax and Dave did a whole bunch of metal detecting also. Update 9/12 - We just added a couple pictures to the photo gallery.

8/22/2010 - The Deford Pioneer Days Christian Rock Fest was a great success! We are very pleased. Learned a lot and will build on the experience for next year. We estimate around 300 people come thru during the 9 hour event and averaged around 80+ most of the event. Praise God! The threat of rain didn't stop the event.

7/30/2010 - Back from Big Ticket and vacation. Is was awesome. Got to see some great bands up close including one of our favorites: Fireflight.

We are close to the completion of our first full CD. It has been a long process and a great learning experience. Here are some sample songs from the CD:

Let Him Shine by Shannon Allen Ministries


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Contact Information

Shannon is available to sing by invite for both indoor and outdoor concerts. We have a full sound system and audio engineer to run it.

For local events, no fee is required but a love offering to cover costs is greatly appreciated. For longer distance events a travel fee may be required.

Please email her at:

See my MySpace page or Catch me on Facebook



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This site was last updated 05/06/12